Kamis, Juli 16, 2015

Convert Decimal to Binary Manually by Your Self

Example we want to convert desimal 10 to biner, how to get binary manually?

10 divided by 2 = 5 remain 0 ==> 5 move to bottom
 5 divided by 2 = 2 remain 1 ==> 2 move to bottom
 2 divided by 2 = 1 remain 0 ==> 1 move to bottom
 1 divided by 2 = 0 remain 1 ==> when this value is 0 then finish

The remainder of division are sorted from bottom is binary of decimal 10, is 1010. So if decimal 10 is converted to binary is 1010

If there is something not understand, please asked... : ) Hope it is useful, thank you... :)

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